The coffee dripper is an inexpensive way to enjoy the subtle flavours that are found in single origin coffee beans. This method of brewing coffee is easy to do. The flavours produced tend to be smoother than an espresso as the paper filter absorbs much of the oils that are naturally produced in the brewing process.
The coffee dripper scoop holds about 13 grams of coffee. The coffee should be medium ground like caster sugar. A mug of coffee holds 250 ml of water, so one mug of coffee requires a little over 1 scoop of ground coffee. The brewing time is 2-3 minutes.
What you will need.
Filter for your coffee dripper.
A V60 Dripper.
Coffee. (15 grams per 250ml of water).
Coffee Grinder
To begin.
1. Fill the kettle up with water. Allowing the water to cool for a few minutes before use.
2. Place a filter inside the dripper, folding it first along the seam.
3. Grind your coffee beans.

4. Pour hot water over the filter then discard the water, (this removes any taints that the filter may have and warms up the equipment).

5. Place your coffee inside the filter.

6. Pour some of the boiling water over the coffee to start the brewing process, (the coffee will begin to bloom, this happens as carbon dioxide is naturally given off during the brewing process). Agitate the coffee with a spoon if necessary to ensure it is evenly dispersed. Let the coffee brew for a while.

7. Pour in the remainder of the water, moving the flow in concentric circles to ensure all the coffee flavour is released.
8. Once you are satisfied with the amount of coffee you have extracted, stop the process.
9. Pour out your coffee and savour the flavour.

Congratulations, you have made your first coffee using the coffee dripper method. Now experiment to find your perfect coffee.