Free 50g coffee. (£2.75 cost deductible at checkout with the voucher code free coffee)
We never roast coffee to sit on a shelf. It is roasted and posted fresh to order and every batch has a customers name already on it
Coffee can lose 20% of its weight during roasting so we always roast more coffee than we need. We used to drink this coffee ourselves but now we roast a lot more coffee, so it has to sit on a shelf. Whereas other roasters may sell it to their customers, we give it away.
All you need do to receive a free coffee is to purchase at least 400g of any coffee, choose your 50g sample (there will be an initial charge of £2.75) and enter the code free coffee at the checkout, the full £2.75 cost of your sample will then be deducted.
Our free samples are good to drink immediately, they have already degassed on a shelf and better still, they fit snugly in with your existing order so don’t need any additional packaging.
So no more waste, have a coffee on us. Pop in an extra compostable bag for free.